Victor Tajes, the harvest of 71, born in Vigo, says from an early age his artistic concerns. With 18 years hangs his first individual exhibition and from ah, begins to participate in the world of plastic, having at its tryectoria with different exposures, both individually and collectively. Study Interior Design and Decor Mestre Mateo School in Santiago De Compostela, then enter the world of decoration, doing murals and various works tranpantojos oriented ambientacin of both commercial and private spaces in Spain and Portugal. In the year 2005 he created together with three other craftsmen, an exciting educational project called "ARTESP" which includes the disciplines of ceramics, leather goods, paintings and jewelry. This project is essentially a series of guided didactic samples, as well as participatory workshops for school groups. Today Victor Tajes, monitor serves as drawing and painting at various colleges and crafts workshops Vigo, and continues to do murals, decoration and exhibits works of both individual collective.